Fluxuan Forum

Fluxuan Linux, small, fast 32 / 64 bit Operating System.

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#1 13-06-2024 12:34:48

From: Extreme northeast of Europe
Registered: 24-05-2023
LinuxSeaMonkey 2.53

Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

Finally I installed Fluxuan-506 on my hard drive partition! There were some mistakes and the wrong choice of layout, but the installation was successful the second time.Users! The installation script is made with high quality, try again after the first failure, besides, there is always the opportunity to get help on the forum. Those who persevere will receive a minimal, but fully working system. It is better to install and configure your favorite convenient programs than to try with big doubts roll , remove unnecessary packages.
I didn’t have any problems installing my preferred programs, although the set is quite complicated: crow-translate, Videomass, gxkb, cutycapt, revelation, zenity, ffmpeg, yt-dlp, xfce4-clipman. Dark theme? Well, everything is in your hands, a lot of things in fluxuan can be configured using a text editor, and already in live mode you can get this look:
After all installations and updates, the number of packages did not exceed 1200 packages (other browsers - no, office - no).
When the installation is completed on the hard drive, you get an English-UK keyboard setting, which is indicated in the live mode Readme message.

Last edited by chour (19-08-2024 17:00:22)

Citizen of the world linux


#2 13-06-2024 18:29:41

From: NL
Registered: 28-03-2024
LinuxFirefox 115.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@chour : I totally agree with you. The fluxuan-installer is doing a fine job in creating a lightweight yet solid systemd-free base, to build up with any preferred application or tools available in devuan/debian-merged repo. 
I've added quite a few multimedia (pipewire-audio, mpv, audacious) and graphical applications (gimp, mirage), firefox-esr browser, as well as many system tools.
Like you, I don't have any office applications installed (yet?). My fluxuan setup is still well below 1000 packages (dpkg)...

Additionally, the fluxuan-snapshot has meanwhile matured into a reliable snapshot/reinstall tool. It creates a perfect copy of the running system, preserving all home~ system~ and network configurations.
Now, if only the created snapshot would carry a more sensible name in the bootscreen, ie other than the current hard-coded 'MY_BACKUP-{date/time} ...  hmm
Refracta-snapshot offers a text-box where such bootscreen name can be specified. Hope that @Fluxuan can add something similar to the fluxuan-snapshot tool. Thanks for looking into this.

Last edited by ceeslans (13-06-2024 18:36:03)


#3 15-06-2024 10:34:10

From: Extreme northeast of Europe
Registered: 24-05-2023
LinuxSeaMonkey 2.53

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@ceeslans: Regarding the number of packages, the programs I installed from different desktops attracted many additional packages: Thunar-39 + some packages from xfce, Timeshift-83, mpv-72, zenity - about 70, installation of the Russian locale - about 20 (that's a lot, not all of them will be necessary, but...). By the way, about AV, have you tried it? audacity and mhWaveEdit?
I rarely use the office. I haven't tried Fluxuan-Snapshot yet, but on the contrary, I think naming the output file as a datetime is a great idea, and the author quickly implemented it. I myself did a similar thing with a script for backing up a folder to another medium, the result is a backup folder (with the name of the current date), which contains a zip archive (with the name -time). This way you can make several backups at any reasonable interval; they will be in the same folder (date), but will differ in time. Or I take pictures of a page of some URL in the form of a .pdf file (where the links are working), differing in date. And instead of MY_BACKUP you can enter something of your own.
Tell me, how long does it take to create a MY_BACKUP snapshot?
Text field - I support this idea as an additional option, in addition to name-default.

Citizen of the world linux


#4 15-06-2024 19:37:50

From: NL
Registered: 28-03-2024
LinuxFirefox 115.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

I sure can understand that installing applications like Thunar' etc bring in a lot of dependencies. Actually, that's why I appreciated @Fluxuan's choice for 'pcmanfm' as default file manager. As for 'Timeshift': I have no direct need for that, since I run a small rsync-script every 2-3 days to back up my home folder - and fluxuan-snapshot does so for the entire system backup.
'Audacity' is installed and nicely configured on my main machine, so no need to do this for Fluxuan (which is currently installed on a 64gb USB3 drive).
Today's package count reached 1030+ pckgs, i.e after installing the framework for my scanner-printer, pulling in most of cups / hplip / libsane and dependencies. For what it's worth, I generally exclude 'recommended' packages from being installed with the main packages...
Creation of today's MY_Backup snapshot took 7,5 minutes. System volume backed up = 3,5 gb  - And compressed size (iso) = 1,16 gb
I'm a happy camper... smile

Last edited by ceeslans (16-06-2024 06:51:57)


#5 17-06-2024 22:18:08

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 04-03-2023
LinuxFirefox 537.36

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@ceeslans, Will add the possibility to insert desired name into the snapshot .

@chour, Fluxuan forums has Upload , select image insert , it will auto add the picture , no need to use other websites.

PS: I am working on a script to let anyone build their own little OS , that will probably make a lot of people happy smile


#6 18-06-2024 16:01:27

From: NL
Registered: 28-03-2024
LinuxFirefox 115.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@Fluxuan, great, thanks for adding the desired-name feature into fluxuan-snapshot.
There is one other feature I would really like to see in fluxuan-installer: would it be possible to create an option for a separate home partition?
If at all possible of course... Thanks anyway for looking into this


#7 19-06-2024 06:53:48

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 04-03-2023
LinuxChrome 125.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@ceeslans, Will do , i am working to make it even more simple just one screen to select all and after clicking submit to run install and set everything , so a lot will be achieved .

Thank you all for being here and i bet we can make Fluxuan a very good little OS together.


#8 26-06-2024 09:42:40

From: Nagoya, Japan
Registered: 21-05-2024
LinuxFirefox 127.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

I just completed to install Fluxuan 5 on my desktop PC after distro hopping for a week.  Talking about ufw, I think finally solve the problem by installing task-(language).
In case of German, that would be task-german. I have installed virtualbox, Libreoffice, CrossOver for running ms office 2010/2016, etc and the total # of packages  is 1690 as of today.
The feature to run the application at the specific windows space is very impressed and it works!  The way to make it is different from i3 but I can start firefox on workspace #3, for example. This feature is not obtained under jwm or openbox. I like the simplicity of fluxbox and jwm very much than openbox.

Lastly when the final version of fluxuan-snapshot will be released if I may ask? And Fluxuan installer is still beta version or not for general purpose but it is only for fluxbox with your own. Are you willing to extend to develop it as common tool to be applied  to other WMs as well?  I tested it with openbox one time without reading the program and failed obviously at installing fluxuan's stuff. It is very good tool ... better than other tools. That's why I am asking. Understood your are working on multiple tools development but you will be appreciated later after succeeding all tools' development! Keep up your good work!

Added later 16 h 17 min 41 s:
Just for your information. The 5.06 iso does not start on AMD PC, generating the message with kernel ..... Probably some firmware(s) are missing? I burned it to usb pen drive using fluxuan usb creator.


#9 27-06-2024 16:51:25

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 04-03-2023
LinuxChrome 125.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@yohno, Yes the installer is still beta for the moment , at the end I want one screen to collect all info and click one button and everything to get installed , yes i want to make it work on probably all distros as a lightweight alternative to other installers,

The snapshot is a backup tool but soon i will release another one that will let you create your own distro still trying to figure out what it would be better when letting the user to add the programs he wants , thinking a text box in whiptail or a text file to edit , still working on them but i can say it will be something good .

Thank you all for sticking out , but there will be a lot coming up including a Raspberry pi release and more .


#10 02-07-2024 04:03:42

From: Nagoya, Japan
Registered: 21-05-2024
LinuxFirefox 126.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

It seems I made a mistake for Fluxuan iso for AMD PC ...  I made another try to burn Fluxuan 5.06 amd64 iso on the same usb stick and run on AMD PC this morning. It works OK this time. I am very sorry about that. I should re-try before I reported it.
Talking about Fluxuan system on my PC, everything is OK after purging wpasupplicant, though I had a hard time for its update to 6.1.22 kernel.    regards, yoshi


#11 02-07-2024 20:24:02

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 04-03-2023
LinuxChrome 125.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@yohno,  I am glad that you worked things out , still if you will need any help let us know smile


The installer is almost ready , what`s new: ability to install with a separate Home partition but you will have to choose the size you want to leave for the root filesystem , will be able to install most of the live distro`s  that has ( lsblk, parted, and rsync ) installed, this days most of them do.

A release with Openbox will come out mostly for my coleg Dan ( MIYO LINUX ) i will call it DIYO - DAN IT YOUR OWN .

Due to he`s health issues he is not able to contiune with he`s MiYO linux Project for now so i will try to keep he`s wishes of a clean Openbox distro that anyone could make it for them.

Thank you all for being there !


#12 02-07-2024 23:00:24

From: NL
Registered: 28-03-2024
LinuxFirefox 115.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@Fluxuan, looking forward to the new fluxuan-installer, I'm eager to try it out.  Will you be able to also release the updated fluxuan-snapshot script then?

And as for the DIYO openbox distro: that sure looks promising too...!

Last edited by ceeslans (03-07-2024 07:06:49)


#13 04-07-2024 01:47:24

From: Nagoya, Japan
Registered: 21-05-2024
LinuxFirefox 127.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

I am also expecting to test both tools. Thanks for your efforts.

By the way, I have been a big fan of Miyo Linux until recently. I noticed several distros published named Miyo something under SourceForge.
Interesting to see to benamed as DIYO on your Openbox version! Why not try it out when it is released.

By the way, I gave up to utilize the iso, I created by refractasnapshot 3 weeks ago, and I have just completed the fresh installation on my AMD PC from your 5.0.6 AMD64 iso. It took me roughly 2 hours to install what I need. The current # of packages installed is 1604. Much better and stable. ufw is installed and running without any problem.
And I added Tint2 panel to monitor all workspaces.  ...  yoshi


#14 05-07-2024 18:03:57

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 04-03-2023
LinuxChrome 125.0

Re: Install Fluxuan on hard drive!

@ceeslans, @yohno,  Is a work in progress, i am actually rewriting the Installer and the Snapshot , if you wonder why ....

Reasons for rewriting :

1. I want the installer to be able to install almost any live Distro.
2. I want the Snapshot to be able to Create a Backup iso , Create remote backup of a virtual private server via ssh, Create a custom Snapshot iso , Create a custom Distro from scratch iso,  Restore Backup.

And in the custom distro and snapshot you will be asked if you want to include the Fluxuan-installer that will use your Distro name to auto change text inside and personalize the installer with your Distro name , it will have a " by Fluxuan" either in the first or last screen.


Let`s build DIYO together .... , i will create a POLL with programs like  Browser , Pad , Toolbar and I will use the result of that , in the same time maybe who has time to make a nice Wallpaper for it and we should choose a theme , whomever has a good Openbox ideea jump on i am open to any suggestion !

Thank YOU !!!!!


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