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#1 27-05-2024 13:01:29

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 04-03-2023
LinuxFirefox 537.36

Fluxuan Linux USB-CREATOR Windows / Linux

As you probably saw in the last release with the errors fixing in the Installer a USB-Creator is in the menu .

So what does it do well let`s explain ...

Click on USB-Creator in your right click menu


It will ask for your sudo password


Searches for .iso , .img , .img.xz files in your Downloads folder and displays them as a list
Using Up Down arrows select one and hit ENTER


A menu with your available devices will appear displaying the size of disk and model
Using Up Down arrows select the USB/SSD/MMC/NVME/HDD that you want to use to write the iso/img/img.xz and hit ENTER


A menu asking if you wish to create a bootable drive for Linux or Windows will appear.
Using Linux you can write images for linux or IOT
Using Windows will partition the drive install grub and make a bootable Windows instalation drive.
Using Up Down arrows select one and hit ENTER


After waiting to finish a Finish screen will appear.


If it is not in your distro you can get it and use it with the commands :

wget https://files.fluxuan.org//fluxuan-usb-creator

chmod +x fluxuan-usb-creator


# or you can move it into your /usr/bin

mv fluxuan-usb-creator /usr/bin/

# after moving it in /usr/bin you can execute it by typing in terminal 


Yes this script can be used on any Devuan / Debian / Ubuntu based distro.

I hope you will enjoy using it , for any issues or improvements let me know .


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